

An interactive data analysis and visualisation tool with 3D rendering capability

Our default ParaView module includes headless paraview components (pvserver, pvbatch) only.
We do not recommend to use the ParaView GUI (paraview) directly:
X-window forwarding has high latency and the images of our compute nodes bring only a minimal set of graphic-drivers/libs. 


ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application with interactive 3D or programmatical batch processing capabilities

Read more on ParaView home page. For a manual visit the Paraview Guide page.

To see our provided versions type:
module avail paraview

Example Use

  1. Start an interactive job and enter your node

    srun --partition=cpu-clx:test --ntasks-per-node=96 --pty bash

    If a lot of memory/RAM is needed, especially the following "fat" partitions are suitable:
    cpu-clx:large, cpu-clx:huge (see Slurm partition CPU CLX)
    cpu-genoa (see CPU Genoa partition)

  2. Load (default) module on your (fat) node

    module load paraview
  3. Start the Paraview server on your (fat) node

    mpirun -n $SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE pvserver --server-port=12345

    Wait a few seconds till your Paraview server provides a connection.

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  4. @local: Start a ssh tunnel on your preferred terminal to access the port of the node via a login node

    ssh -N -L 12345:cpu-clx####:12345 <user>@blogin.hlrn.de

    Leave this terminal window open to keep the tunnel running. Before setting up a ssh tunnel check if your standard ssh login works. If you are a windows user without a proper terminal we recommend MobaXterm.

     ‎‏‏‎ ‎
  5. @local: Start your ParaView client GUI and access your Paraview-Server at


    Please note: the first two version numbers of your local ParaView client have to be the same as the remote Paraview-Server. You can download various ParaView versions here. After calling "module load paraview" the version of the loaded module will be displayed.

Known Issues

So solve this error, provide a different port number while starting the server: --server-port=12233

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