Devtools Compiler Debugger

Add new Development/Debugging Tool or Compiler

  • Anaconda (conda) and MambaAnaconda package manager (predominantly Python) and mambaforge
  • antlrAnother Tool for Language Recognition
  • Arm DDTParallel debugger, including MPI/OpenMP programs.
  • Charm++Parallel Programming Framework
  • Intel oneAPI Compiler SuiteIntel new and classic compilers for C/C++, Fortran, DPC++/SYCL
  • Intel oneAPI MPIIntel´s implementation of the MPI standard
  • Intel oneAPI Performance ToolsVTune, APS, Advisor, Inspector, Trace Analyzer and Collector
  • JuliaA high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language
  • LIKWID Performance Tool SuitePerformance tools and library for GNU Linux operating system.
  • OpenMPIHigh Performance Message Passing Library
  • Patchelfa simple utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries.
  • PythonAn Overview over the different Python Versions available on our System
  • SYCLAn open industry and cross-platform programming standard for C++ in a data-parallel and explicit fashion.
  • Valgrind instrumentation frameworkan instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools
  • VS CodeVS Code is an IDE that while not provided on the clusters, many users use on their own machines and connect into the clusters with.

  • CMake – CMake build environment
  • GCC – GNU Compiler Collection for C, C++, Fortran, Go, Objc, Objc++ and Lto
  • Intel oneAPI Performance Libraries – Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP), Collective Communications Library (CCL), Data Analytics Library (DAL), Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL), DPC++ Library (DPL), Math Kernel Library (MKL), Threading Building Blocks (TBB), Video Processing Library (VPL)
    (included in "intel" environment modules)