Example netcdf program

Example netcdf program

program test_netcdf
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
! The drunken divers testcase
! some lines are stolen from unidata - netcdf testprograms
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  use netcdf
  implicit none
  character*256     :: outputfile='divers_birth_day_drink.nc'
  integer :: stdout=6

!  include 'netcdf.inc'
  integer           :: ncid, k
  integer           :: latdim, londim, depthdim, timedim
  integer           :: vardims(4)
  integer           :: latid, lonid, depthid, timeid, ndepth=5
  integer           :: varid
  real              :: depth(5), drinks(1,1,5,1), degeast, degnorth
  real*8            :: rdays
  character (len = *), parameter :: varunit = "glasses"
  character (len = *), parameter :: varname = "number of drinks"
  character (len = *), parameter :: varshort = "drinks" 
  character (len = *), parameter :: units = "units"
  character (len = *), parameter :: long_name = "long_name"
  character (len = *), parameter :: lat_name = "latitude"
  character (len = *), parameter :: lon_name = "longitude"
  character (len = *), parameter :: lat_units = "degrees_north"
  character (len = *), parameter :: lon_units = "degrees_east"
  character (len = *), parameter :: depth_units = "m"
  character (len = *), parameter :: time_units = "days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00"
  character (len = *), parameter :: origin = "time_origin"
  character (len = *), parameter :: origin_val = "1-jan-2000 00:00:00" 
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!   define where and when the diver dives and 
!   in which depth he has how much birthday drinks
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    degnorth = 57.02
    degeast  = 20.3
    rdays    = 10.0
    do k=1, 5
      depth(k)  = float(k)*float(k)
      drinks(1,1,k,1) = depth(k)
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!   create the file
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    call check( nf90_create(outputfile, nf90_clobber, ncid))
    write(stdout,*) 'file ',trim(outputfile),' has been created '
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!   define axis
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    call check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'longitude', 1, londim))
    call check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'latitude' , 1, latdim))
    call check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'depth' ,    ndepth, depthdim))
    call check( nf90_def_dim(ncid, 'time'     , nf90_unlimited, timedim))
    call check( nf90_def_var(ncid, lon_name, nf90_real, londim, lonid))
    call check( nf90_def_var(ncid, lat_name, nf90_real, latdim, latid))
    call check( nf90_def_var(ncid, 'depth',     nf90_real, depthdim, depthid))
    call check( nf90_def_var(ncid, 'time',      nf90_real, timedim, timeid))

    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, latid, units, lat_units) )
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, lonid, units, lon_units) )
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, depthid, units, depth_units))
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, timeid,  units, time_units))
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, timeid,  origin, origin_val))
    vardims(1) = londim
    vardims(2) = latdim
    vardims(3) = depthdim
    vardims(4) = timedim
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!   define variables
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    call check( nf90_def_var(ncid, trim(varshort), nf90_real, vardims, varid))
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, units ,trim(varunit)))
    call check( nf90_put_att(ncid, varid, long_name, trim(varname)))

    call check( nf90_enddef(ncid))
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
!   now write something
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    call check( nf90_put_var(ncid, latid, degnorth))
    call check( nf90_put_var(ncid, lonid, degeast))
    call check( nf90_put_var(ncid, depthid, depth))
    call check( nf90_put_var(ncid, timeid, rdays))
    call check( nf90_put_var(ncid, varid, drinks))
!   ready
    call check( nf90_close(ncid))

  subroutine check(status)
    integer, intent ( in) :: status
    if(status /= nf90_noerr) then 
      print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
      stop "stopped"
    end if
  end subroutine check  
end program test_netcdf

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