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First load an environment module:

module add vtune/XXXX



vtune -help

Run VTune via command line interface (recommended non-interactive use)

Run your application with VTune wrapper as follows:


mpirun -np 4 vtune –collect hotspots -result-dir vtune_hotspot ./path-to_your/app.exe args_of_your_app

After completion explore hotspot analysis e.g. via

vtune -report summary -r vtune_*

VTune-GUI (not recommended)

Login with x-window support (ssh -X) and then start


Run VTune-GUI remotely on your own browser (recommended interactive use)

Login to supercomputer with local port forwarding and start vtune server in the background:

ssh -L blogin.hlrn.de

salloc -p standard96:test -A zzz0002
module load vtune/2022
vtune-backend --web-port=55055 --enable-server-profiling &

Open in your browser (allow security exception, if first time set initial password)

Under WHAT (in 1st "Welcome" tab)
-> Click: Configure Analysis
--> Application: /path-to-your-application/program.exe
--> Check: Use app. dir. as work dir.
--> Expand "Advanced": keep defaults but paste "Wrapper script:"
	# Prefix script
	echo "Target process PID: ${VTUNE_TARGET_PID}"
	# Run VTune collector
	mpirun -np 2 "$@"
--> Expand "Advanced"
---> keep defaults but paste "Wrapper script:"
---> Check: Trace MPI
Under HOW (in 1st "Welcome" tab)
-> Run "Performance Snapshot"
When complete (in 2nd tab r0...)
-> for overview expand: "HPC Perf. Characterization"
-> for results & to select next analysis expand: "Performance Snapshot" 
--> Click: "Hotspots"
Under HOW (in 3rd tab r0...)
-> Run "Hotspots"
When complete (after finalizing results)
--> Expand sub-tab "Top-down Tree"
---> In "Function Stack" expand "_start" fct. and expand further down to "main" fct. (first with entry under "Source File") 
---> Double click on: source_file_name.c
--> In new sub-tab "source_file_name.c" scroll down to line with max. "CPU Time: Total" to find hotspot
To quit press "Exit" in the "Menu" (upper left symbol of "three horizontal bars")
Close browser page
Exit compute node via CTRL+D
squeue -l -u $USER
scancel your-job-id
Exit login node via CTRL+D
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