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Note: You can get a complete overview of the installed software with the command module available. (Read more)

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AI Frameworks and Tools

The compute partitions available for NHR@ZIB contain several popular artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks and tools for use with both CPU and GPU resources. These packages can be accessed through the custom anaconda3/2023.09 module and its system-wide Python distribution. For a list of installed Python packages, one may call conda list after the module is loaded. The full list of anaconda packages can be found here.


Add new Chemistry Software

  • CP2KA package for atomistic simulations of solid state, liquid, molecular, and biological systems offering a wide range of computational methods with the mixed Gaussian and plane waves approaches.
  • excitinga full-potential all-electron code, employing linearized augmented planewaves (LAPW) plus local orbitals (lo) as basis set.
  • Gaussiana computational chemistry application provided by Gaussian Inc https://gaussian.com/.
  • GPAW a density functional theory Python code based on the projector-augmented wave method.
  • GROMACSa versatile package to perform molecular dynamics for systems with hundreds to millions of particles.
  • NAMD a parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulations of large biomolecular systems using force fields.
  • Octopusa software package for density-functional theory (DFT), and time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT)
  • Quantum ESPRESSO an integrated suite of codes for electronic structure calculations and materials modeling at the nanoscale, based on DFT, plane waves, and pseudopotentials.
  • RELIONREgularised LIkelihood OptimisatioN is a stand-alone computer program that employs an empirical Bayesian approach to refinement of (multiple) 3D reconstructions or 2D class averages in electron cryo-microscopy(cryo-EM)
  • SIESTA“both a method and its computer program implementation, to perform efficient electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of molecules and solids.” SIESTA project https://siesta-project.org/siesta/About/overview.html
  • TURBOMOLEA program package for ab initio and DFT electronic structure calculations.
  • VASP a first-principles code for electronic structure calculations and molecular dynamics simulations in materials science and engineering.
  • Wannier90A program that calculates maximally-localised Wannier functions.

  • Abinit
  • ASE – The Atomic Simulation Environment – a set of tools and Python modules for setting up, manipulating, running, visualizing, and analyzing atomistic simulations.
  • LAMMPS – A parallel, classical potential molecular dynamics code for solid-state materials, soft matter and coarse-grained or mesoscopic systems. 
  • NWChem – A general computational chemistry code with capabilities from classical molecular dynamics to highly correlated electronic structure methods, designed to run on massively parallel machines. 
  • PLUMED – A tool for trajectory analysis and plugin for molecular dynamics codes for free energy calculations in molecular systems 
  • CPMD – A plane wave / pseudopotential implementation of DFT, designed for massively parallel ab-initio molecular dynamics. 
  • BandUP – Band unfolding for plane wave based electronic structure calculations. 

Data manipulation, tools and libraries

Add new Data Manipulation Software

  • AEC libraryAdaptive Entropy Coding library
  • CDOThe Climate Data Operators
  • ECCODESECMWF application programming interface
  • HDF5 libraries / binariesHDF5 - hierarchical data format
  • libtiffA software package containing a library for reading and writing _Tag Image File Format_(TIFF), and a small collection of tools for simple manipulations of TIFF images
  • libzA Massively Spiffy Yet Delicately Unobtrusive Compression Library
  • NCOThe NetCdf Operators
  • netCDFNetwork Common Data Form
  • pigzA parallel implementation of gzip for modern multi-processor, multi-core machine
  • PROJCartographic Projections Library 
  • RR - statistical computing and graphics
  • SzipSzip, fast and lossless compression of scientific data
  • UDUNITS2Unidata UDUNITS2 Package, Conversion and manipulation of units

  • Boost – Boost C++ libraries
  • CGAL – The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library

Development tools, compilers, translators, languages, performance analysis

Add new Development/Debugging Tool or Compiler

  • Anaconda (conda) and MambaAnaconda package manager (predominantly Python) and mambaforge
  • antlrAnother Tool for Language Recognition
  • Arm DDTParallel debugger, including MPI/OpenMP programs.
  • Charm++Parallel Programming Framework
  • Intel oneAPI Compiler SuiteIntel new and classic compilers for C/C++, Fortran, DPC++/SYCL
  • Intel oneAPI MPIIntel´s implementation of the MPI standard
  • Intel oneAPI Performance ToolsVTune, APS, Advisor, Inspector, Trace Analyzer and Collector
  • JuliaA high-level, high-performance, dynamic programming language
  • LIKWID Performance Tool SuitePerformance tools and library for GNU Linux operating system.
  • OpenMPIHigh Performance Message Passing Library
  • Patchelfa simple utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries.
  • PythonAn Overview over the different Python Versions available on our System
  • SYCLAn open industry and cross-platform programming standard for C++ in a data-parallel and explicit fashion.
  • Valgrind instrumentation frameworkan instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools
  • VS CodeVS Code is an IDE that while not provided on the clusters, many users use on their own machines and connect into the clusters with.

  • CMake – CMake build environment
  • GCC – GNU Compiler Collection for C, C++, Fortran, Go, Objc, Objc++ and Lto
  • Intel oneAPI Performance Libraries – Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP), Collective Communications Library (CCL), Data Analytics Library (DAL), Deep Neural Network Library (DNNL), DPC++ Library (DPL), Math Kernel Library (MKL), Threading Building Blocks (TBB), Video Processing Library (VPL)
    (included in "intel" environment modules)


Add Engineering Software

  • Abaqus - only with own licensea Finite Element Analysis Package for Engineering Application
  • Ansys SuiteThe full Ansys Academic Multiphysics Campus Solution is available, e.g. Mechanical, CFX, Fluent, LS-Dyna, Electronic, SCADE (but not Lumerical, GRANTA).
  • MATLAB - only with own licensea proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numeric computing environment developed by MathWorks
  • OpenFOAMan object-oriented open source CFD toolkit
  • STAR-CCM+a Package for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations


Add new Miscellaneous Software

  • libcurlcurl - a tool for transferring data from or to a server
  • nocachenocache - minimize caching effects in lustre filesystems

  • texlive – LaTeX distribution, typesetting system
  • git – A fast, scalable, distributed revision control system 


Add new Numerics Software

  • BLASBLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
  • FFTW3A C-subroutine library for computing discrete Fourier transforms
  • GSLThe GNU Scientific Library (GSL)- a numerical library for C and C++ programmers
  • MUMPSMUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver.
  • NFFTDiscrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions
  • ScaLAPACKScalable LAPACK
  • ScotchSoftware package and libraries for sequential and parallel graph partitioning, static mapping, sparse matrix block ordering, and sequential mesh and hypergraph partitioning.

  • METIS – A set of serial programs for partitioning graphs, partitioning finite element meshes, and producing fill reducing orderings for sparse matrices. 
  • ParMETIS – An MPI-based parallel library that implements a variety of algorithms for partitioning unstructured graphs, meshes, and for computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices.
  • PETSc – Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation: widely used parallel numerical software library for partial differential equations and sparse matrix computations.  


Add new Visualisation Software

  • Ferret - Data Visualization and Analysisyour ferret in large and complex gridded data sets. 
  • GraDSAn interactive desktop tool for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science data
  • NCL
  • NcViewNcview - a visual browser for netCDF formated files. 
  • ParaViewAn interactive data analysis and visualisation tool with 3D rendering capability
  • pyfesom2Python library and tools for handling of FESOM2 ocean model output

  • Keine Stichwörter