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File Systems at HLRN-IV

  • HOME with 340 TiByte capacity
  • WORK with 8.1 PiByte capacity
    • main access /scratch/usr/${USER}
    • temporary data (sessions) /scratch/tmp/${USER}
    • project data /scratch/projects/${project} (not yet available)
  • PERM with 120 TiByte capacity (accessible on the login nodes, only)
  • On Emmy: SSD for temporary data at $LOCAL_TMPDIR (400 GB shared among all jobs running on the node)

For the time being file system quotas are not enabled on HOME and WORK.

Transfer data to the system

  • Tutorial für rsync und filezilla

Login and copy data between HLRN sites

Inter-complex login (ssh) as well data copy (scp) between both sites (Berlin and Göttingen) should work right out of the box. The same is true for inner-complex ssh and scp between nodes of one site. This is enabled through an administratively installed ssh key pair id_rsa[.pub] in your $HOME/.ssh/. Do not remove these keys.

Always use the short hostname for ssh/scp: the generic names blogin, glogin, or the specific names like blogin5, glogin2, etc.

If for some reason this does not work for you for inter-complex ssh/scp, please see the topic Copy between HLRN sites and contact HLRN Support.

Tape archive PERM

Note: PERM is not yet available on Lise

The magnetic tape archive PERM will be accessible via the login nodes blogin[1-9], only:


For more information please see the separate topic on HLRN-IV file systems.

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