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Using srun to create multiple jobs steps

You can use srun  to start multiple job steps concurrently on a single node, e.g. if your job is not big enough to fill a whole node. There are a few details to follow:

  • By default, the srun command gets exclusive access to all resources of the job allocation and uses all tasks
    • you therefore need to limit srun to only use part of the allocation
    • this includes implicitly granted resources, i.e. memory and GPUs
    • the --exact flag is needed.
    • if running non-mpi programs, use the -c option to denote the number of cores, each process should have access to
  • srun  waits for the program to finish, so you need to start concurrent processes in the background
  • Good default memory per cpu values (without hyperthreading) are usually are:






Four concurrent Programs
#SBATCH -p standard96
#SBATCH -t 06:00:00

srun --exact -n1 -c 10 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program1 &
srun --exact -n1 -c 80 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program2 &
srun --exact -n1 -c 6 --mem-per-cpu 3770M  ./program3 &

Run a single GPU program four times concurrently
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00

srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &
srun --exact -n1 -c 10 -G1 --mem-per-cpu 19075M  ./single-gpu-program &

Using the Linux parallel command to run a large number of tasks

If you have to run many nearly identical but small tasks (single-core, little memory) you can try to use the Linux parallel command. To use this approach you first need to write a bash-shell script, e.g. task.sh, which executes a single task. As an example we will use the following script:


# parallel task
PARAMETER=$((10+RANDOM%10))    # determine some parameter unique for this task
                               # often this will depend on the TASK_ID

echo -n "Task $TASK_ID: sleeping for $PARAMETER seconds ... "
echo "done"

This script is simply defining a variable PARAMETER which then used as the input for the actual command, which is sleep in this case. The script also takes one input parameter, which can be interpreted as the TASK_ID and could also be used for determining the PARAMETER. If we make the script executable and run it as follows, we get:

$ chmod u+x task.sh
$ ./task.sh 4
Task 4: sleeping for 11 seconds ... done

To now run this task this task 100 times with different TASK_IDs we can write the following job script:


#SBATCH --partition standard96:test      # adjust partition as needed
#SBATCH --nodes 1                        # more than 1 node can be used
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 96              # one task per CPU core, adjust for partition

# set memory available per core
MEM_PER_CORE=4525    # must be set to value that corresponds with partition
                     # see https://www.hlrn.de/doc/display/PUB/Multiple+concurrent+programs+on+a+single+node

# Define srun arguments:
srun="srun -n1 -N1 --exclusive --mem-per-cpu $MEM_PER_CORE"
# --exclusive     ensures srun uses distinct CPUs for each job step
# -N1 -n1         allocates a single core to each task

# Define parallel arguments:
parallel="parallel -N 1 --delay .2 -j $SLURM_NTASKS --joblog parallel_job.log"
# -N                number of argument you want to pass to task script
# -j                number of parallel tasks (determined from resources provided by Slurm)
# --delay .2        prevents overloading the controlling node on short jobs
# --resume          add if needed to use joblog to continue an interrupted run (job resubmitted)
# --joblog          creates a log-file, required for resuming

# Run the tasks in parallel
$parallel "$srun ./task.sh {1}" ::: {1..100}
# task.sh          executable(!) script with the task to complete, may depend on some input parameter
# ::: {a..b}       range of parameters, alternatively $(seq 100) should also work
# {1}              parameter from range is passed here, multiple parameters can be used with
#                  additional {i}, e.g. {2} {3} (refer to parallel documentation)

The script use parallel  in line 25 to run task.sh 100 times with a parameter taken from the range {1..100}. Because each task is started with srun a separate job step is created and the options used with srun (see line 12) the task is using only a single core. This simple example can be adjusted as needed by modifying the script task.sh and the job script parallel_job.sh. You can adjust the requested resources, for example, you can use more than a single node. Note that depending on the number of tasks you may have to split your job into several to keep the total time needed short enough. Once the setup is done, you can simply submit the job:

$ sbatch parallel_job.sh

Looping over two arrays

You can use parallel  to loop over multiple arrays. The --xapply  option controls, if all permuatations are used or not:

Looping over multiple inputs
$ parallel --xapply echo {1} {2} ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b c
1 a
2 b
3 c
$ parallel echo {1} {2} ::: 1 2 3 ::: a b c
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 a
2 b
2 c
3 a
3 b
3 c

Doing I/O tasks in parallel

To distribute data from a global location ($WORK, $HOME) to several nodes simultaneously - similar to a MPI_Bcast - one can use:

pdcp ex.
pdcp -r -w $SLURM_NODELIST $WORK/input2copy/* $LOCAL_TMPDIR

$LOCAL_TMPDIR exists - only "node" locally - on all compute nodes (see Special Filesystems for more details).
To collect individual data from several node-local locations simultaneously - similar to a MPI_Gather - one can use:

rpdcp ex.
rpdcp -r -w $SLURM_NODELIST $LOCAL_TMPDIR/output2keep/* $WORK/returndir

Automatically, rpdcp will rename the data by appending the local hostname of its origin. This avoids overwriting of files with the same name.

In the next example local output data ($LOCAL_TMPDIR) is moved back to $WORK while the main program is still running. With "&" you send you main program in the background. 

moving $LOCAL_TMPDIR data on-the-fly using pdsh and pdcp

#SBATCH --partition=cpu-genoa:test
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=3
#SBATCH --job-name=auto_loc_io_test
#SBATCH --output=%x.%j.out

echo ""
echo "Used environment variables:"
echo "WORK" $WORK
# Auto set by Slurm prolog: /local/$USER_$SLURM_JOB_ID
echo ""
echo "Used slurm variables:"
echo ""

### prepare case

# master dir. on global filesystem
# can be created by master node (= directly this script)
echo "All job data is (collected) here: $MASTERDIR"

# subdirectories of master dir.
# can be created by master node (= directly this script)
mkdir -p $INPUT_DIR
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
echo "example data inside input file" > $INPUT_DIR/input_data.dat

# is dir. on node-local ssd or ram if no ssd is present
# only exist during job lifetime

# subdirectories of $LOCAL_TMPDIR 
# can only be created node-locally (= "child" srun -w node)

# prepare script with empty 10 second job
cat <<EOF > $INPUT_DIR/dummyjob.sh
echo "Main job started on \$SLURMD_NODENAME in \$PWD."
sleep 10
mkdir -p $LOC_OUT_DIR
hostname > $LOC_OUT_DIR/data.\$SLURMD_NODENAME
# important to use unique local name in order to mv it to global dir. without overwriting
echo "\$SLURMD_NODENAME main job finished. Data written to $LOC_OUT_DIR."
chmod u+x $INPUT_DIR/dummyjob.sh

# command to cp data from global master to tempory local
# before mv -> check if dir is present and if not empty (=data to copy inside)
loc2mst_cmd_string='if [ -d '$LOC_OUT_DIR' ]; then if ! [ $(find '$LOC_OUT_DIR' -maxdepth 0 -empty) ]; then mv '$LOC_OUT_DIR'/* '$OUTPUT_DIR'; fi; fi'
# All ifs/checks are only needed to avoid warnings triggered for example if no data to mv is present...

### cp input files to node-local directories (in parallel)

echo "Relevant data is copied to node-local locations. Main job is starting..."

### execute main job itself: e.g. mpirun or srun
srun $LOCAL_TMPDIR/dummyjob.sh &

echo "Main job running. Start copying node-local data back to global filesystem in the background - every three seconds..."
while ps -p $main_pid &>/dev/null; do

	echo "Capacity of \$LOCAL_TMPDIR is:"

	pdsh -w $SLURM_NODELIST "$loc2mst_cmd_string"

	echo "loc2mst cmd executed. New capacity of \$LOCAL_TMPDIR is:"

	sleep 3

echo "Main job finished. Copying remaining node-local data (if any)."
pdsh -w $SLURM_NODELIST "$loc2mst_cmd_string"

echo "All (parallel) copy jobs are done. All data is here: $MASTERDIR"
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