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Compile the code for an Intel GPU with
icpx -fsycl minimal-sycl-code.cpp -o pvc.exe
and then run it via:
SYCL_PI_TRACE=1 ./pvc.exe
The environment variable SYCL_PI_TRACE adds SYCL debug information, e.g. the name of the used offload device.

The same code could be executed on a Nvidia GPU by loading thecudaenvironment module, recompiling via
icpx -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda minimal-sycl-code.cpp -o a100.exe
and running

#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>

int main() {
  // Creating buffer of 4 elements to be used inside the kernel code
  sycl::buffer<size_t, 1> Buffer(4);

  // Creating SYCL queue
  sycl::queue Queue;

  // Size of index space for kernel
  sycl::range<1> NumOfWorkItems{Buffer.size()};

  // Submitting command group(work) to queue
  Queue.submit([&](sycl::handler &cgh) {
    // Getting write only access to the buffer on a device.
    sycl::accessor Accessor{Buffer, cgh, sycl::write_only};
    // Executing kernel
    cgh.parallel_for<class FillBuffer>(
        NumOfWorkItems, [=](sycl::id<1> WIid) {
          // Fill buffer with indexes.
          Accessor[WIid] = WIid.get(0);

  // Getting read only access to the buffer on the host.
  // Implicit barrier waiting for queue to complete the work.
  sycl::host_accessor HostAccessor{Buffer, sycl::read_only};

  // Check the results
  bool MismatchFound = false;
  for (size_t I = 0; I < Buffer.size(); ++I) {
    if (HostAccessor[I] != I) {
      std::cout << "The result is incorrect for element: " << I
                << " , expected: " << I << " , got: " << HostAccessor[I]
                << std::endl;
      MismatchFound = true;

  if (!MismatchFound) {
    std::cout << "The results are correct!" << std::endl;

  return MismatchFound;
