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General Information

| Vendor | [[http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/][NOAA PMEL]]||
| Installation Path | =/sw/viz/ferret/= ||
| Versions | pyferret 7.4.4 (python 3.6.8) | pyferret 7.5 (python 3.6.8) |
| Build Date | March 2019 | April 2019 |

Detailed description is found at the ferret home page, where an online-manual for the latest version can be found.

Specific features related to *pyferret*, i.e., new graphic capa

| Vendor | [[http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/][NOAA PMEL]]||
| Installation Path | =/sw/viz/ferret/= ||
| Versions | pyferret 7.4.4 (python 3.6.8) | pyferret 7.5 (python 3.6.8) |
| Build Date | March 2019 | April 2019 |

bilities and the integration of *ferret* and *python* are described at the [[http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/pyferret][pyferret home page]].



Example Jobscripts


module load
  • Keine Stichwörter