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Conversion and manipulation of units


Conversion of unit specifications between formatted and binary forms, arithmetic manipulation of units, and conversion of values between compatible scales of measurement. The Udunits2 package supports units of physical quantities (e.g., meters, seconds). Specifically, it supports conversion between string and binary representations of units, arithmetic manipulation of units, and conversion of numeric values between compatible units. Udunits2 is used by several other packages at HLRN.

Default version2.1.24
Build DateOct. 2018
Installation Path/sw/dataformats/udunits/


Currently installed version is 2.1.24. To activate the package, issue module load udunits from the command line or put this line into your login shell. For more versions see module avail udunits


To activate udunits type

module load udunits/2.1.24_intel

Direct calls of the udunits binary will be of minor importance. After loading the module, one may try

You have: J
You want: cal   
    <cal> = <J>*0.238846
    <cal> = <J>/4.1868

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