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HLRN provides tailored WORK file system for improved IO throughput of IO intense job workloads.

Default Lustre (WORK)

WORK is the default shared file system for all jobs and can be accessed using the $WORK variable. WORK is accessible for all users.

WORK consists of 8 Metadata Targets (MDT's) with NVMe SSDs and 28 Object Storage Targets (OST's) on Lise and 96 OST's on Emmy. Both using classical hard drives.

Access: $WORK

Size: 8 PiB quoted

Special File System Types

Lustre with striping (WORK)

Some workloads will benefit of striping. Files will be split between a number of 2 up to 28 OSTs on Lise and up to 96 OST's on Emmy.

Especially large shared IO patterns will perform good using striping.

Access: create a directory with striping using lfs setstripe -c <stripsize> <dir>

Size: 8 PiB like WORK

Local SSDs

Some Compute Nodes have local SSD storage up to 2 TB on Lise and 400 GB on Emmy.

Data on local SSDs can not be shared across nodes and will be deleted after the job is finished.

For unshared local IO this is the best performing file system to use.

Lise: SSDLise: CASEmmy: SSD

via queue: standard:96:ssd


via queue: large96:ssd and huge96:ssd


via queue: medium96


Type and sizeIntel NVMe SSD DC P4511 (2 TB)

Intel NVMe SSD DC P4511 (2 TB) using

Intel Optane SSD DC P4801X (200 GB)

as write-trough cache

Intel DC S4500 (400 GB)

FastIO - Lise only

WORK is extended with 4 additional OST's using NVMe SSDs to accelerate heavy IO-demands. To accelerate specific IO-demands further striping for up to 4 OSTs is available.

Access: ask support@hlrn.de for access

Size: 55 TiB - quoted

IME - Emmy only


DDN Infinite Memory Engine (IME) based Burst Buffers and file system Cache is a fast data tier between compute nodes and the WORK file system.

This helps avoid overload on the system when a program tries to write large amount of data within a short period of time to the global parallel file system.

IME servers consist of Solid State Disk (SSD) that acts as a cache and burst buffer to improve the global file system performance. IME servers are currently available for use in EMMY.

AccessIME Burst Buffer, File System Cache

Size: 48 TiB

Finding the right File System

If your jobs have a significant IO part we recommend asking your consultant via support@hlrn.de to recommend the right file system for you.

Local IO

If you have a significant amount of node-local IO which is not needed to be accessed after job end and will be smaller than 2 TB on Lise and 400 GB on Emmy we recommend using $LOCAL_TMPDIR. Depending on your IO pattern this may accelerate IO to up to 100%.

Global IO

Global IO is defined as shared IO which will be able to be accessed from multiple nodes at the same time and will be persistent after job end.

Especially random IO on small files will be accelerated up to 200% using FastIO on Lise or IME on Emmy

INTERNAL - not public - will be deleted

Recommendation Matrix:

Max performance gain on IO versus default $WORK in brackets.

small random IOlots of large IO per processfew large IO accessed from many nodesunknown IO

local IOglobal IOlocal IOglobal IOlocal IOglobal IOlocal IOglobal IO
Code e.g.


write IOLocal SSDs (+100%)FastIO stripe=4 (+30%)Local SSDs (+15%)$WORK$WORK

FastIO stripe=4       (+200%) or

$WORK stripe=4-8 (+200%)

Local SSDs (+40%)

FastIO stripe=4       (+80%)

$WORK stripe=4-8  (+70%)

read IOLocal SSDs (+30%)FastIO             (+140%)Local SSDs (+30%)FastIO stripe=4 (+20%)Local SSDs (+35%)FastIO stripe=4       (+200%)Local SSDs (+30%)

FastIO stripe=4         (+120%)

$WORK stripe=MAX (+90%)

balanced IOLocal SSDs (+60%)FastIO stripe=4 (+90%)Local SSDs (+25%)FastIO               (+15%)Local SSDs (+20%)

FastIO stripe=4         (+200%) or

$WORK stripe=MAX (+150%)

Local SSDs (+35%)

FastIO stripe=4         (+100%)

FastIO                        (+50%)


Striping einrichten

mkdir <dirname>

lfs setstripe -c <count> <dirname>

DoM einrichten

mkdir <dirname>

lfs setstripe -E 64K -L mdt -E -1 -p work.rotational <dirname>

FastIO einrichten

mkdir <dirname>

lfs setstripe -p flash <dirname>

Fastio mit Striping 4 einrichten:

mkdir <dirname>

lfs setstripe -p flash -c 4 <dirname>


lfs getstripe <dirname>

Vorschlag Ankündigung

Subj: additional WORK file systems available

Dear HLRN Users.

To achieve improved IO performance HLRN has installed additional file systems tailored for dedicated IO demands.

LISE has now node-local SSDs using NVMe and Optane to accelerate local IO. Furthermore we have installed a SSD based Lustre called 'FastIO'.

EMMY is upgraded with an IME.....

If your jobs have a significant amount of IO which can be accelerated visit: Special Filesystems or contact our support.

Kind Regards


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