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New user accounts:
• A new user account only exists at the center where it was opened (https://portal.nhr.zib.de or https://hpcproject.gwdg.de).

Old user accounts:
• Like before, user accounts remain active at both centers.
• Core-hours and Unix user groups are not synced anymore.

Compute projects:
• Compute resources are granted for the center selected during the application process (https://jards.nhr-verein.de).

• soon will be gone.
• Instead, ask for help at support@nhr.zib.de or nhr-support@gwdg.de specific to that center.

software environment and provided modules
• are no longer in synchronization.

https://hlrn.de/doc (user manual)
• is succeeded by https://user.nhr.zib.de or https://docs.hpc.gwdg.de.

https://zulassung.hlrn.de (account management, resource accounting)
• is succeeded by https://portal.nhr.zib.de or https://hpcproject.gwdg.de.

HLRN competence network (of only northern German countries)
• is transferred to the nationwide NHR competence network.

  • Keine Stichwörter