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To apply for a User Account (Nutzungskennung) follow

  • the link User Application on the service portal. In the course of the account establishment a scientific consultant is assigned to you.
  • Holding a User Account you can submit a project proposal for a compute project on the service portral.

Compute time of a user account

Holding a User Account you are able to work on the compute systems at NHR@ZIB, and to expend compute time.

  • The user account is attached to a personal account holding a limited amount of computing time, see Accounting for details.
  • With the User Account you have access to the  accounts of all compute projects in which the user account is a member in.

Policies for a User Account

Please note the following limitations for using NHR resources:

  1. The NHR regulations limit the access to NHR resources to scientists at German universities (see NHR Alliance, Computing Time / NHR-Verein, Rechnernutzung).
  2. Due to export control, the NHR systems are not accessible for people originating from certain countries. For details, please read the document Supercomputer und Exportkontrolle of the BMBF and the information on the service portral.
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