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To apply for a user account / Nutzungskennung follow the link Application for a user account / Antrag auf eine Nutzungskennung on the service portal. In the course of the account establishment two support members are assigned to you, a local consultant and a scientific consultant.

Please note the following limitations for using NHR resources:

  1. The NHR regulations limit the access to NHR resources to scientists at German universities (see NHR Alliance, Computing Time / NHR-Verein, Rechnernutzung).
  2. Due to export control, the NHR systems "HLRN-IV" is not accessible for people originating from certain countries. For details, please read the document Supercomputer und Exportkontrolle of the BMBF and the information on the service portral.

Holding a user account you can

  • perform test simulations to prepare a proposal for a compute project and
  • submit a project proposal for a compute project on the service portral.

Compute time of a user account

Holding a user account you are able to work on the HLRN-IV systems at NHR@ZIB and NHR@Göttingen, and to expend compute time.

  • The user account is attached to a personal account holding a limited amount of computing time, see Accounting in Core Hours for details.
  • With the user account you have access to the  accounts of all compute projects in which the user account is a member in.

Further hints about user accounts you find on the page /wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/427131 of the user documentation.

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