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If your project needs larger quotas, please contact your consultant to discuss your needs and how we can help you.

Please visit Storage File Systems for the properties of the file systems HOME, WORK, and PERM.

Please periodically check whether your scientific results data stored on HLRN the file systems should be periodically transferred to the user's home institution. To maintain good I/O performance for all user jobs, the usage of the shared file systems of the HLRN  for all resources needs to be limited.


The default values for user quota are reasonable for average use cases. We are aware that certain projects need larger quota for their workflows. If your project needs larger quotas, please contact your consultant to discuss your needs and how we can help you.

File system quotas at HLRN are enforced

  • on HOME and WORK with respect to group ownerships
  • on PERM with respect to user ownerships on Lise in Berlinon PERM with respect to group ownerships for block and storage location (user or project directory) for inode on Emmy in Göttingen


Users40 GiB100 GiBunlim.unlim.3 TiB30 TiB250.0001.500.0002 TiB3 TiB2.0002.200
Projects40 GiB100 GiBunlim.unlim.12 TiB120 TiB1.000.0006.000.0008 TiB112 TiB18.00018.8001


there is user ownership only

Quota is available on the three file systems HOME, WORK and PERM. On each file system we distinguish


Check your disk quota limits using the command hlrnquota show-quota. If your user ID is member of one or more project groups you will also get quota information for these project groups. Each of your files and directories is owned by your user ID (user ownership) and by exactly one of the group IDs you are a member in (group ownership). The data base for the output of hlrnquota show-quota is updated twice per hour.

titleCheck quota
blogin4blogin7:~ $ hlrnquotashow-quota
                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          89.45 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         187.3 k            -            -    
  prj00012  (projects)        68.03 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         659.6 k            -            -    

                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          1.202 TiB        3 TiB       30 TiB          1.74 k        250 k        1.5 M    
  prj00012  (projects)        2.512 TiB       12 TiB       30 TiB               1          1 M          6 M    


For each file and directory stored on the HOME and or WORK file systems, its :

(Warnung) The group ownership affects the disk quotas quota of that particular group – no matter where the file or directory itself is located in a given within file system.

Sometimes this can make it hard to track down the disk quota when files or directories of a given group ownership are distributed over different top-level user directories and/or project directories.


titleNumber of files
blogin4:~ $ lfs find /home/myaccount/somedirectory | wc -l

Nach Stichwort filtern (Inhalt nach Stichwort)
cqllabel in ( "files" , "file" , "inode" , "inodes" , "quota" ) and type = "page" and space = "PUB"
labelshuge files invalid file format