Versionen im Vergleich


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To learn about the usage of the CPU partition, please visit the documentation of the Lise CPU system.

The properties of the communication network is described on the page OPA Fat Tree network of LiseContent



The CPU CLX partition offers a system based on Intel CPUs. For more details see also Slurm partition CPU CLX.

node numberper node

2x Intel Xeon "Cascade Lake" Platinum 9242

96 compute cores

384 GB RAM

Omni-Path OPA100 host fabric adapter

Login nodes

General description of SSH Login authentication is given in the Usage Guide.

Generic login nameList of login nodes

Partition usage

To use CPU CLX partition, please

  1. create a binary like in Workflow CPU CLX,
  2. create a slurm job script like in Workflow CPU CLX,
  3. and submit the job like in Slurm partition CPU CLX.