Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.

You need do to migrate your data before January 1522.

We expect best performance for the data transfers on the genoa system. You need to migrate relevant data from your user, project, and share folders in the old WORK file system:


We recommend migrating your data by

  • running a rsync on genoa-login


  • node

  • use tmux to keep your transfer running without being logged


  • in to the system


  • example rsync call:

    $ rsync -av /old-scratch/usr/username/folder_i_want_to_keep /scratch/usr/username/

Moving large directories with parallel rsyncs

For directories with a lot of data and many files in different subdirectories, the transfer might be sped up by running many several rsync processes in parallel. For this we first need a list of files/folders up to a certain depth.
