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CPU programming


  • 27 April 2023, 09:00-12:00

  • Parallel programming with MPI

  • For questions please send an e-mail to


  • registration upcoming April 11, 2023
  • Zoom

    for registration go to workshop page

  • zoom link via email

  • Format:

    online workshop, live demos, hands-on examples for programming language c

  • Speakers

    speakers: Dr. Matthias Läuter (NHR@ZIB), Dr. Lewin Stein (NHR@ZIB)


Further events

The online workshop parallel programming day gives an introduction into parallel programming with MPI. The basic concepts of parallel scaling will be presented giving insight into expectable performance limitations. Participation is possible without or with a user account for NHR system Lise (at Zuse Institute Berlin). For user accounts access to code examples discussed in the workshop is possible. Performance profiling will be introduced showing a method for the analysis of complex codes.


09:00 parallel architecture and scaling

10:00 workload distribution and MPI communication

11:00 profiling and performance analysis

12:00 end


  • Participation is possible via zoom without a user account.
  • With a user account for NHR system Lise access to hands-on examples is possible.
  • The slides will be uploaded after the day.
Further events