Versionen im Vergleich


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The netCDF Operators, or NCO, are a suite of file operators which facilitate manipulation and analysis of self-describing data stored in the (freely available) netCDF and HDF formats.

Image Removed
Installation Path/sw/dataformats/nco/
$versionVersionsApril 2019
4.9.1 (default)
Build Date2018
April 2019
5.1.7July 2023

  • Man pages are availabe for the binaries (see below).
  • Info pages can be viewed for the keyword nco. Issue from the command line info nco .

  • Manuals in several formats can be loaded from the NCO home pageImage Removed .


The following binaries are delivered: ncap2 ncatted ncbo ncclimo ncdiff ncea ncecat nces ncflint ncks ncpdq ncra ncrcat ncremap ncrename ncwa
