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This page contains all important information about the batch system Slurm, that you will need to run software on the HLRN. It does not contain every feature that Slurm has to offer. For that, please consult the official documentation and the man pages.

Submission of jobs mainly happens via the sbatch command using jobscript, but interactive jobs and node allocations are also possible using srun or  salloc. Resource selecttion (e.g. number of nodes or cores) is handled via command parameters, or may be specified in the job script.



very fat nodes with 1536 GB memory,
for data pre- and postprocessing


16 dedicated

+48 on demand


If you do not request a partition, you will be placed on to the default partition, which is standard96 in Berlin and medium40 in Göttingen.

The default partitions are suitable for most calculations. The :test partitions are, as the name suggests, intended for shorter and smaller test runs. These have a higher priotity and a few dedicated nodes, but are limited in time and number of nodes. The :shared nodes are mainly for postprocessing. Nearly all nodes are exclusive to one job, except for the nodes in these :shared partitions.



-p <name>


# CPUs per task




Slurm partitions

To match your job requirements with the hardware, you choose among the

Important slurm commands

The commands normally used for job control and management are

  • Job submission:
    sbatch <jobscript>
    srun <arguments> <command>
  • Job status of a specific job:
    squeue -j jobID for queues/running jobs
    $ scontrol show job jobID for full job information (even after the job finished).
  • Job cancellation:
    scancel jobID
    scancel -i -u $USER cancel all your jobs (-u $USER) but ask for every job (-i)
    scancel -9 send kill SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM
  • Job overview:
    $ squeue -l --me
  • Job start (estimated):
    squeue --start -j jobID
  • Workload overview of the whole system: sinfo (esp. sinfo --format="%25C %A") , squeue -l

Job Scripts

A job script can be any script that contains special instruction for Slurm. Most commonly used forms are shell scripts, such as bash or plain sh. But other scripting languages (e.g. Python, Perl, R) are also possible.

titleExample Batch Script

#SBATCH -p medium40standard96:test
#SBATCH -t 06:00:00

module load impi
srun mybinary

The job scripts have to have a shebang line at the top, followed by the #SBATCH options. These #SBATCH  comments have to be at the top, as Slurm stops scanning for them after the first non-comment non-whitespace line (e.g. an echo or variable declaration).

More examples can be found at Examples and Recipes.

Important slurm commands

The commands normally used for job control and management are:

  • Job submission:
    $ sbatch 
  • Job status of a specific job:
    $ squeue -j jobID for queues/running jobs
    $ scontrol show job jobID for full job information (even after the job finished).
  • Job cancellation:
    $ scancel jobID



ParameterSBATCH flagComment
# nodes-N <#>
# tasks-n <#>
# tasks per node#SBATCH --tasks-per-node <#>Different defaults between mpirun and srun

-p <name>

e.g. standard96, overview: Slurm partitions CPU

# CPUs per task

-c <#>interesting for OpenMP/Hybrid jobs
Wall time limit-t hh:mm:ss
Mail--mail-type=ALLSee sbatch manpage for different types
Project/Account-A <project>Specify project for core hour accounting

Job Walltime

The maximum runtime is set per partition and can be viewed either on the system with sinfo  or here. There is no minimum walltime (we cannot stop your jobs from finishing, obviously), but a walltime of at least 1 hour is encouraged. A large amount of smaller, shorter jobs can cause problems with our accounting system. The occasional short job is fine, but if you submit larger amounts of jobs that finish (or crash) quickly, we might have to intervene and temporarily suspend your account. If you have lots of smaller workloads, please consider combining them into a single job that uses at least 1 hour.

Select the project account

Batch jobs are submitted by a user account to the compute system.

  • For each job the user chooses one project that will be charged by the job. At the beginning of the lifetime of the User Account the default project is the Test Project.
  • The user controls the project for a job using the option --account at submit time.
  • For the User Account the default project for computing time can be changed under the link User Data on the Portal NHR@ZIB.

titleExample: account for unsafe-one job
To charge the account myaccount
add the following line to the job script. 
#SBATCH --account=myaccount

After job script submission the batch system checks the project for account coverage and authorizes the job for scheduling. Otherwise the job is rejected, please notice the error message:

titleExample: out of core hour
You can check the account of a job that is out of core hour.
> squeue
... myaccount ... AccountOutOfNPL ...

Interactive Jobs

See according Section in the Quick Start Guide.

Using the Shared Nodes

We provide a varying number of nodes from the large40 and large96 partitions as post processeing nodes in a shared mode, so that multiple jobs can run at once on a single node. You can request CPUs and memory and should take care, that you do not exceed your limits. For each CPU/Hyperthread, there is about 9.6Gb of Memory on large40:shared or 4 on the large96:shared partition.

The maximum walltime on the shared partitions is currently 2 days.

titleExample Job for the shared partition

This is an example for a job script using 10 cores. As this is not a MPI job, srun/mpirun is not needed. This jobs memory usage should not exceed


#SBATCH -p large96:shared
#SBATCH -t 1-0 #one day
#SBATCH -n 10


Advanced Options

Slurm offers a lot of options for job allocation, process placement, job dependencies and arrays and much more. We cannot exhaustively cover all topics here. As mentioned at the top of the page, please consult the official documentation and the man pages for an in depth description of all parameters.

Job Arrays

If you need to submit a large number of similar jobs, please do use for loops to submet them, but instead use job arrays (this lessens the burden on the scheduler). Arrays can be defined using the -a <number of jobs> option. To divide your workload on to the different jobs within your jobscript, there are several environment variables that can be used:

SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_COUNTTotal number of tasks in a job array. SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_IDJob array ID (index) number. SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MAXJob array's maximum ID (index) number. SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_MINJob array's minimum ID (index) number. SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_STEPJob array's index step size. SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_IDJob array's master job ID number.
#SBATCH -p standard96
#SBATCH -t 12:00:00 #one day
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 96
#SBATCH -a 0-3
#SBATCH -o arrayjob-%A_%a #"%A" is replaced by the job ID and "%a" with the array index.

