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A a Package for Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

General Information

Producer: Siemens PLM Software (formerly CD-adapco Group)


This documentation describes the specifics of installation and usage of STAR-CCM+ at HLRN. Introductory courses for STAR-CCM+ as well as courses for special topics are offered by CD-adapco and their regional offices, e.g. in Germany. It is strongly recommended to take at least an introductory course (please contact Siemens PLM Software).


The following tables lists installed STAR-CCM+ versions.



The module name is starccm. Other versions may be installed. Inspect the output of :            module avail starccm

Below you find explanations to obtain and check out product licenses and regarding support and training.


STAR-CCM+ is a powerful finite-volume-based program package for modelling of fluid flow problems. ( The name STAR stands for "Simulation of Turbulent flow in Arbitrary Regions". It is maintained/developed by Siemens PLM Software (formerly CD-adapco Group). The STAR-CCM+ package can be applied to a wide range of problems such as



To use STAR-CCM+ you need to mail and ask to become a member of the UNIX group adapco.


We provide free Power On Demand (POD) keys for teaching and academic research for non-industry funded projects.
Write use us if you fullfill fulfil these conditions and state the amount the number of needed hours (The core/node count does not matter.).

You can check your group membership by calling groups.
In order to run STAR-CCM+ you have to specify the parameters -licpath and -podkey, as shown in the example script below.

Introduction and courses

This documentation describes the specifics of installation and usage of STAR-CCM+ at HLRN. Introductory courses for STAR-CCM+ as well as courses for special topics are offered by CD-adapco and their regional offices, e.g. in Germany. It is strongly recommended to take at least an introductory course (please contact Siemens PLM Software).

Documentation and materials

STAR-CCM+ products come with complete documentation. The User Guide is available in PDF format, see directory /sw/eng/starccm/<version>/STAR-CCM+<version>/doc.


titleThis is an example for a parallel job
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --partition cpu-genoa:all
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40192
#SBATCH --p medium
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --job-name=StarCCM

module load starccm/14.04.011-r8

## create the host list for starccm+
srun hostname -s | sort | uniq -c | awk '{ print $2":"$1 }' > starhosts.${SLURM_JOB_ID}

export PODKEY=<type your podkey here> here - we can provide one for you - under the above mentioned terms>
export MYCASE=<type your sim file name>

## run starccm+
starccm+ -dp -np ${SLURM_NTASKS} -batch ${MYCASE} \
 -power -podkey ${PODKEY} -licpath ${CDLMD_LICENSE_FILE} \
 -machinefile starhosts.${SLURM_JOB_ID} -mpi intel 

echo '#################### StarCCM+ finished ############'
rm starhosts.$SLURM_JOB_ID


titleKnown Issues

To check if the license server of CD-adapco is accessible type:

telnet 1999

This test (Trying ...) is positiv if the server answers (within a second):
Escape character is '^]'
Typically, after some minutes, a negative test outcome is indicated by:
telnet ... Connection timed out
