Versionen im Vergleich


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  • One-week maintenance for preparation steps and for transfer of HOME data. During this downtime, NHR@ZIB staff copies all data from the old to the new HOME storage. User’s don’t need to take action regarding their data in HOME.

  • Two-month migration phase for data in WORK. During this period, both the old and new WORK file systems are available, and users . Users transfer their data from the old to the new WORK storage.



estimated date



middle of August

email update for the migration plan


end of August

one-week maintenance



three weeks of normal operation without changes



two months -month migration phase for users to copy their data from the old to the new WORK storage


  • a two months period starting in September

  • simultaneous user access to the old and new WORK file systems

  • data transfer by users from the old to the new WORK storage
    (no data transfer by NHR@ZIB staff)


The PERM file system is not affected by this maintenance. During all times of Lise operation of Lise, PERM will be available to each user.