Versionen im Vergleich


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  • One-week downtime for maintenance, preparation steps, and for transfer of HOME data. During this downtime, NHR@ZIB staff copies all data from the old to the new HOME storage. User’s don’t need to take action regarding their data in HOME.

  • Two-month migration phase for data in WORK. During this period, both the old and new WORK file systems are available. Users transfer their data from the old to the new WORK storage.


The following steps will be executed consecutively.


estimated date



middle of August

email update for the migration plan


end of August

one-week downtime for maintenance



three weeks of normal operation without changes



two-month migration phase for users to copy their data from the old to the new WORK storage

Migration phase for WORK

In step 4 of the schedule, data migration for WORK will be organized as follows.


  • only the new WORK file system is available

  • the old WORK file system is switched off, its data is deleted


WORK is a scratch file system - that means, no backups are available! Data can get lost any time, due to user mistakes or due to system failures. Users need to copy important data (job results) to a safe place.
