Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


  1. Migration phase

    • This is a two months period starting in September.

    • You have access to two different WORK file systems, the old and the new one.

    • The new WORK file system is empty and you are invited to copy data to the new WORK file system.

    • NHR@ZIB staff will not copy any data to the new WORK file system.

  2. After the end of the migration phase

    • the new WORK file system is available for each user.

    • the old WORK file system is switched off and all data will be removed.


  • In general, WORK is a scratch file system. No backup is available. Data can get lost any time, due to user mistakes or due to failure of software and hardware.

  • PERM file system is not affected by this maintenance. During all times of operation of system Lise, PERM will be available all each user.