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#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition medium40standard96:test # adjust partition as needed #SBATCH --nodes 1 # more than 1 node can be used #SBATCH --tasks-per-node 4096 # one task per CPU core, adjust for partition # set memory available per core MEM_PER_CORE=4525 # must be set to value that corresponds with partition # see https://www.hlrn.de/doc/display/PUB/Multiple+concurrent+programs+on+a+single+node # Define srun arguments: srun="srun -n1 -N1 --exclusive --mem-per-cpu $MEM_PER_CORE" # --exclusive ensures srun uses distinct CPUs for each job step # -N1 -n1 allocates a single core to each task # Define parallel arguments: parallel="parallel -N 1 --delay .2 -j $SLURM_NTASKS --joblog parallel_job.log" # -N number of argument you want to pass to task script # -j number of parallel tasks (determined from resources provided by Slurm) # --delay .2 prevents overloading the controlling node on short jobs # --resume add if needed to use joblog to continue an interrupted run (job resubmitted) # --joblog creates a log-file, required for resuming # Run the tasks in parallel $parallel "$srun ./task.sh {1}" ::: {1..100} # task.sh executable(!) script with the task to complete, may depend on some input parameter # ::: {a..b} range of parameters, alternatively $(seq 100) should also work # {1} parameter from range is passed here, multiple parameters can be used with # additional {i}, e.g. {2} {3} (refer to parallel documentation) |