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NHR is operating at each site 3 central storage systems with their global file systems:

File System


Storage Technology and Function

IBM Spectrum Scale file system, exported via NFS to compute and login nodes

  • includes centrally managed software and the module system in /sw
WORKLise: 10 PiB
Emmy: 8 PiB
DDN ExaScaler with Lustre parallel file system
Tape archive with multiple petabyte capacity with additional harddisk caches

The system Emmy has additional storage options for high IO demands:

  • Phase 1 nodes (partitions medium40 and large40): Local SSD All nodes of the partition standard96:ssd have local SSDs for temporary data at $LOCAL_TMPDIR (400 GiB shared among all jobs running on the node). The environment variable $LOCAL_TMPDIR is available on all nodes, but on the phase 2 systems it points to a ramdisk2 TB per node). For more details refer to Special Filesystems.


In general, we store all data for an extra year after the end of a test account/project. If not extended, the standard term of test account/project is one year.


Each user holds one HOMR directory on each compute site Emmy and Lise.HOME directory:

  • directory HOME=/home/${USER}
  • for a higher number of files
    • configuration files
    • source code and executables
  • limited disk space
  • backup is available
