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As a part of the internal program of the NHR Conference we offer a session Consulting in the NHR alliance. It is devoted to the joint community of colleagues at the NHR centers and to all compute centers at universities collaborating with NHR centers. Experiences, best practices, and ideas for improvements will be presented and discussed.

organizers: Matthias Läuter (NHR@ZIB), Christian Köhler (NHR@Göttingen), and Robert Schade (PC2)


Wednesday, 20.09.2023, 09.00 am - 10:30 am


Please send your wishes and proposals for extending the agenda to the organizers Matthias Läuter (NHR@ZIB), Christian Köhler (NHR@Göttingen) and Robert Schade (PC2) and/or just update this wiki page.


Joint part

Welcome and introduction round (NHR centers and consultants at universities)

Presentations on highlight topics:

  • communication ways, mailing lists (mailing lists, chats, etc)
  • NHR groups
    • training, AI webinar+Q&A
    • performance engineering, container
    • security, AAI, HPC consultant networks
    • ASC, Computational Physics Center
    • etc.
  • Zentralprojekte, NHR funding
  • JupyterHub in NHR


  • support work (mailing lists, chats etc),
  • PR, workshops, courses, etc.

Parallel breakout rooms

Life Sciences (Matthias Läuter, ZIB)

Digital Humanities (Johannes Biermann, GWDG)


Software licenses

(Robert Schade, PC2)

  • Introduction of personnel with code/research areas
  • events/workshops/courses/symposia in the context of the Atomistic Simulation Center (ASC) and Center for Computational Physics (CCCP)
  • get-together in ASC and CCCP
  • software licenses
  • PE/research activities for physics/chemistry codes
  • QC activities

Computational Fluid Dynamics (Patrick Höhn, GWDG)


Your session → please contact us! (Lächeln)
