Versionen im Vergleich


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This documentation only covers the specifics of the usage of ANSYS on our system. General introductory courses as well as courses for special topics are offered by ANSYS Inc. and their regional offices. We recommend taking an introductory course first (see the CAD-FEM GmbH homepage). Good (free) starting points for self-study are and

From time to time, we also offer courses covering ANSYS ANYS products ourselves. Please refer to: NHR Community.


  • aa_r is a "ANSYS Academic Research License" with 4 inclusive tasks. Research jobs with more than 4 tasks cost additional "aa_r_hpc" licenses.
  • aa_t_a is a "ANSYS Academic Teaching License" with a maximum of 4 tasks. These may be used only for student projects, student instruction and student demonstrations. Eligible users are allowed to activate these, by adding the flag

    titleActivation of the aa_t_a license
    -lpf $ANSYSLIC_DIR/prodord/license.preferences_for_students_and_teaching.xml

    to the Ansys executable. The path $ANSYSLIC_DIR is provided after loading any Ansys module.

Installed versions




The module name is called ansys. In the meantime, new versions may be installed. Simply, inspect the output of: module avail
titleTo see available versions type:
module avail ansys