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12 hours are too short? See here how to pass the 12h walltime limit with job dependencies.

Emmy (Göttingen)

* 600 for the nodes with 4 GPUs, and 1200 for the nodes with 8 GPUs

Which partition to choose?

If you do not request a partition, your job will be placed in the default partition, which is standard96.

The default partitions are suitable for most calculations. The :test partitions are, as the name suggests, intended for shorter and smaller test runs. These have a higher priority and a few dedicated nodes, but are limited in time and number of nodes. Shared nodes are suitable for pre- and postprocessing. A job running on a shared node is only accounted for its core fraction (cores of job / all cores per node). All non-shared nodes are exclusive to one job, which implies that full NPL are paid.

Details about the CPU/GPU types can be found below.
The network topology is described here.

The available home/local-ssd/work/perm storages are discussed in File Systems.

An overview of all partitions and node statuses is provided by: sinfo -r
To see detailed information about a nodes type: scontrol show node <nodename>

List of CPUs and GPUs at HLRN
