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2915.0706.20212023 - 

Registration (to get Zoom link): upcoming 1st of May
Format: online workshop with live demos
Target group: HPC user and CFD developer
Speakers: Dr. Lewin Stein (NHR@ZIB), Dr. Jack Ogaja (NHR@GWDG), Dr. Immo Huismann (DLR)

Program (preliminary)

Mostly, general HPC/CFD topics are covered.
Particularly, during the afternoon session, we also address machine-specific aspects of Lise/Berlin & Emmy/Göttingen.

Morning session


“HPC for CFD”

10:00 Start & welcome

10:15 CFD project planning on a supercomputer
[Lewin Stein NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]10:40 Basics of parallel computing: SIMD, OpenMP, MPI
[Matthias Läuter NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]

12:10 CFD Parallelization concepts, scaling tests
[Lewin Stein - NHR @ Zuse Institute Berlin]

1312:00 30 Lunch break

Afternoon session “Use of CFD software”

1413:00 30 Parallelization of the CODA CFD Solver
[Michael Wagner - German Aerospace Center Dres­den DLR]
