Versionen im Vergleich


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We recommend to choose a distinct comment (ssh-keygen -C "<comment>" -f <...> ) to conveniently identify your key later on.

Current login node ssh host keys

When connecting for the first time, ssh will show you a key fingerprint of our login nodes, and ask for confirmation. The current ssh host keys are:

SHA256:mrwKbHEz3pJCmvU7ZEXoIKxVRz0E9/4GDp3k41x4Q8g (RSA)
SHA256:53WD36v+IjHObgS3DbjIi+zShcQ/MCAIqJNgJOlfR08 (ED25519)
SHA256:pNGlm//LyjJZi6tX0mz5SPSs4IBkuyJI/iWI10JbhgE (ECDSA)


Under Windows, SSH key pairs can be generated with the tool PuTTYgen which is part of the PuTTY installation package and also available separately.
