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A Finite Element Analysis Package for Engineering Application


lmutil lmstat -S -c 1700@ | grep -e "ABAQUSLM:" -e "Users of abaqus" -e "Users of parallel" -e "Users of cae"

Example Jobscripts

The input file of the test case (Large Displacement Analysis of a linear beam in a plane) is: c2.inp

Distributed Memory Parallel Processing

titleThis is an example for of an Abaqus 2020 job on 2 nodes with 48 tasks, each.
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=2  
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH -p standard96:test
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --job-name=abaqus.c2

module load abaqus/2020

# host list:
# This command will create the file abaqus_v6.env for you.
# If abaqus_v6.env exists already in the case folder, it will append the line with the hostlist.

### ABAQUS parallel execution
abq2019 analysis job=c2 cpus=${SLURM_NTASKS} standard_parallel=all mp_mode=mpi interactive double

echo '#################### ABAQUS finished ############'


titleThis is an example for of an Abaqus 2016 single-node job with 96 tasks.
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1  ## 2016 and 2017 do not run on more than one node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96
#SBATCH -p standard96:test
#SBATCH --job-name=abaqus.c2

module load abaqus/2016

# host list:
# This command will create the file abaqus_v6.env for you.
# If abaqus_v6.env exists already in the case folder, it will append the line with the hostlist.

### ABAQUS parallel execution
abq2016 analysis job=c2 cpus=${SLURM_NTASKS} standard_parallel=all mp_mode=mpi interactive double

echo '#################### ABAQUS finished ############'

Abaqus CAE GUI - not recommended for supercomputer use!

If you cannot setup set up your case input files *.inp by other means you may start a CAE GUI as a last resort on our compute nodes.
But be warned: to keep fast/small OS images on the compute node there is a minimal set of graphic drivers/libs only; X-window interactions involve high latency.
If you comply with our licence license terms (discussed above) you can use one of our 4 "cae" four CAE licenses. In this case, please always add


to your job script. This ensures , that the SLURM scheduler starts your job only , if a CAE license is available.

titleThis is an example for an Abaqus 2020 job on 2 nodes with 48 tasks, each.How to run the Abaqus CAE GUI interactively (not recommended)
srun -p standard96:test -L cae --x11 --pty bash

# wait for node allocation, then, run the following on the compute node 

module load abaqus/2022
abaqus cae -mesa
