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A Finite Element Analysis Package for Engineering Application


Usually, there are always sufficient licenses for Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit command-line based jobs. You can check this yourself (just in case):

lmutil lmstat -S -c 1700@ | grep -e "ABAQUSLM:" -e "Users of abaqus" -e "Users of parallel" -e "Users of cae"




#SBATCH -L cae

to your job script. This ensures, that the SLURM scheduler starts your job only, if CAE licenses are available.

Example Jobscripts

The input file of the test case (Large Displacement Analysis of a linear beam in a plane) is: c2.inp

Distributed Memory Parallel Processing


titleThis is an example for an Abaqus 2016 single-node job with 96 tasks.
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1  ## 2016 and 2017 do not run on more than one node
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=96
#SBATCH -p standard96:test
#SBATCH --job-name=abaqus.c2

module load abaqus/2016

# host list:
# This command will create the file abaqus_v6.env for you.
# If abaqus_v6.env exists already in the case folder, it will append the line with the hostlist.

### ABAQUS parallel execution
abq2016 analysis job=c2 cpus=${SLURM_NTASKS} standard_parallel=all mp_mode=mpi interactive double

echo '#################### ABAQUS finished ############'

Abaqus CAE GUI - not recommended for supercomputer use!

If you cannot setup your case input files *.inp by other means you may start a CAE GUI as last resort on our compute nodes.
But be warned: to keep fast/small OS images on the compute node there is minimal set of graphic drivers/libs only; X-window interactions involve high latency.
If you comply with our licence terms (discussed above) you can use one of our 4 "cae" licenses. In this case, please always add

#SBATCH -L cae

to your job script. This ensures, that the SLURM scheduler starts your job only, if a CAE license is available.

titleThis is an example for an Abaqus 2020 job on 2 nodes with 48 tasks, each.
srun -p standard96:test -L cae --x11 --pty bash

# wait for node allocation, then, run the following on the compute node 

module load abaqus/2022
abaqus cae -mesa