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  • Phase 1 nodes (partitions medium40 and large40): Local SSD for temporary data at $LOCAL_TMPDIR (400 GiB shared among all jobs running on the node). The environment variable $LOCAL_TMPDIR is available on all nodes, but on the phase 2 systems it points to a ramdisk.
  • DDN IME based burst buffer with 48TiB NVMe storage (general availability together with the phase 2 nodes)

Login and copying data between HLRN sites

Inter-complex login (ssh) as well data copy (rsync/sftp) between both sites (Berlin and Göttingen) should work right out of the box. The same is true for inner-complex ssh and scp between nodes of one site. This is enabled through hostbased authentication.

Always use the short hostname for ssh/rsync, either the generic names blogin, glogin or the specific names like blogin5, glogin2, etc. This allows the usage of the direct intersite connection HLRN Link, which ich much faster then the internet connection, which is used, when you access the nodes of the other site by the hostnames b/


Each user holds one HOMR directory on each compute site Emmy and Lise.
