Versionen im Vergleich


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Most Compute node partitions have a maximal wall time of 12 hours. In contrast, 48 hours is offered per default by all shared partitions and medium40, large40 of Emmy. During normal office hours, one can request the extension of the wall time of any running job (mail with your user and job ID to support[at] Alternatively - also per mail request (including user and project ID) - permanent access to run 48h jobs on all partitions of Lise and/or Emmy can be granted (by adding #SBATCH -q 48h). However, we recommend permanent access to the 48h QoS (#SBATCH -q 48h) only as a last resort: we do not guarantee to refund your NPL on the 48h QoS if something fails. Before, you should exploit all possibilities to parallelize/speed up your code or make it restartable (see below).
