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Some workloads will benefit of striping. Files will be split transparently between a number of OSTs.

Especially large shared file IO patterns will benefit from striping. Up to 28 OSTs on Lise and up to 100 OST's on Emmy can be used, recommeded recommended are up to 8 OSTs for Lise and 32 OSTs on Emmy.


WORK is extended with 4 additional OST's using NVMe SSDs to accelerate heavy IO-demands. To accelerate specific IO-demands further striping for up to 4 OSTs is available.

Access: ask for accesscreate a new directory in $WORK and set lfs setstripe -p flash <dir>

Size: 55 TiB - quoted

IME - Emmy only


Especially random IO on small files will be accelerated up to 200% using FastIO on Lise or IME on Emmy.


INTERNAL - not public - will be deleted


Subj: additional WORK file systems available

Dear HLRN Users.

To achieve improved IO performance HLRN has installed additional file systems tailored for dedicated IO demands.

LISE has now node-local SSDs using NVMe and Optane to accelerate local IO. Furthermore we have installed a SSD based Lustre storage pool called 'FastIO'.

On EMMY the IME burst buffer can be used for fast random IO demands and all phase 1 nodes are equipped with local SSDs.

If your jobs have a significant amount of IO which can be accelerated visit: 13730697Special Filesystems or contact our support.

Kind Regards

