Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


The HLRN supports three different file systems for the users, see also File Systems.

  • HOME,
    • for a higher number of files
    but with
    • limited disk space
    • backup
  • WORK,
    • for a moderate number of files
    • more disk space, transient nature of data
    • no backup, no disaster recovery
  • PERM,
    • secure file system location on magnetic tapes
    • no solution for long-term data archiving
    • no guarantee for 10 years according to rules for good scientific practice

Check your quota

Check your disk quota limits using the command hlrnquota. If your user ID is member of one or more project groups you will also get quota information for these project groups. Each of your files and directories is owned by your user ID (user ownership) and by exactly one of the group IDs you are a member in (group ownership). The data base for the output of hlrnquota is updated twice per hour.
