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You Here you find here solutions for problems with exceeded quota disk quotas on the HOME and WORK file systemsystems.

Check your quota

Check your disk quota limits on HLRN with using the command hlrnquota. Once If your account user ID is a member of a UNIX groupone or more project groups, you find quota informations additionally for all will also get quota information for these project groups. Each of your files belongs to your account or to one of your UNIX groups. The and directories is owned by your user ID (user ownership) and by exactly one of the group IDs you are a member in (group ownership). The data base for the output of hlrnquota is updated twice per hour.


  • on HOME and WORK with respect to the UNIX groupsgroup ownerships
  • on PERM with respect to the user account.ownerships

Quota on HOME and WORK

For each file and directory stored file on the file systems HOME and WORK the UNIX group of this file controls the attribution to the quota to this UNIX group. For quota, the directory of a file (/scratch/usr/${USER} or /scratch/projects/<projectID>) does not matterfile systems, its group ownership affects the disk quotas of that particular group – no matter where the file or directory itself is located.

Each user account ID is a member in of one or more UNIX groups. You can check your membership in UNIX groups Group memberships can be checked with the groups command groups.

titleUnix groups
Show group memberships
blogin4:~ $ groups myaccount
myaccount prj00012

Once When, for example, you decide to set change the UNIX group ownership of a file to prj00012 for a file, the used quota for the UNIX group prj00012 includes this file size, the size of this file will affect the disk quota of group prj00012.

titleModify unix group for a file
Change group ownership
blogin4:~ $ chgrp prj00012 somefile.txt
blogin4:~ blogin4>$ ls -l somefile.txt
-rw-------  1 myaccount prj00012 237271040 Jul  3  2020 somefile.txt

titleModify unix Change group for ownership of a directory
and everything it contains
blogin4:~ $ chgrp --recursive prj00012 somedirectory
blogin4>blogin4:~ $ ls -ld somedirectory
drwx------  1 myaccount  prj00012      4096 Jul  3  2020 somedirectory


  • configuration files
  • source code and executables
  • important files for backup

You might experience an exceeded HOME quota due to unintended usage of the HOME file system, e.g.


  1. to check whether you can delete files or move files from WORK to PERM
  2. to change the UNIX group for ownership of files to "move" the their attribution to from the quota from your account to a UNIX of your primary group (user ID) to the quota of another group (e.g. prj00012)
  3. to contact your consultant, explain your storage needs, and ask for a higher quota limits.