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You find here solutions for problems with exceeded quota on the HOME and WORK file system.



your quota

Check the your quota limits on HLRN with the command hlrnquota. Once your account is a member of a unix UNIX group, you find quota informations additionally for all groups. Each of your files belongs to your account or to one of your unix UNIX groups.

titleCheck quota
blogin4> hlrnquota
                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          89.45 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         187.3 k            -            -    
  prj00012  (projects)        68.03 GiB       40 GiB      100 GiB         659.6 k            -            -    

                           Blocks used   Soft limit   Hard limit     Inodes used   Soft limit   Hard limit    
  myaccount  (users)          1.202 TiB        3 TiB       30 TiB          1.74 k        250 k        1.5 M    
  prj00012  (projects)        2.512 TiB       12 TiB       30 TiB               1          1 M          6 M    


  • on HOME and WORK with respect to the unix UNIX groups
  • on PERM with respect to the user account.

Quota on HOME and WORK

For each stored file on the file systems HOME and WORK the unix UNIX group of this file controls the attribution of to the quota to this unix UNIX group. For quota, the directory of a file (/scratch/usr/${USER} or /scratch/projects/<projectID>) does not matter.

Each user account is a member in a number of unix one or more UNIX groups. You can check the list of unix your membership in UNIX groups with the command groups.


Once you decide to set the unix UNIX group to prj00012 for a file, the used quota for the unix UNIX group prj00012 includes this file size.


titleModify unix group for a directory
blogin4> chgrp --recursive prj00012 somedirectory
blogin4> ls -ld somedirectory
drwx------  1 myaccount  prj00012      4096 Jul  3  2020 somedirectory

HOME quota exceeded

You have the following solutions if your HOME quota is exceeded.


General hints to solve quota issues

As described in File Systems the default quota limits are reasonable for average use cases.
For projects requiring higher quota limits we kindly ask you to contact your consultant to discuss your needs and how we can help you.

HOME quota exceeded

The HOME file system (HOME=/home/${USER}) is intended to be used for the following data.:

  • configuration files
  • source code and executables


  • large files
  • parallel input/output for your jobs

If your HOME quota is exceeded, we recommend

  1. to check whether you can either delete files or move files from HOME to WORK (no backup!) or to PERM
  2. to contact your consultant, explain your storage needs, and ask for a higher quota limits.

WORK quota exceeded

You have the following solutions if The WORK file system (/scratch) is intended to be used for the following data:

  • large files
  • parallel input/output for your jobs

If your WORK quota is exceeded.


, we recommend

  1. to check whether you can delete files or move files from WORK to PERM
  2. to change


  1. the UNIX group for files to "move" the attribution to the quota from your account to a


  1. UNIX group (e.g. prj00012)


  1. to contact your consultant, explain your storage needs, and ask for a higher quota


The WORK file system (/scratch) is intended to be used for the following data.


  1. limits.