Versionen im Vergleich


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To avoid conflicts between different compilers and compiler versions, builds of most important libraries are provided for all compilers and major release numbers.

Program Build

Here only a brief introduction to program building using the intel compiler is given. For more detailed instructions, including important compiler flags and special libraries, refer to our webpage Compilation Guide.

Examples for building a program on the Atos system

To build executables for the Atos system, call the standard compiler executables (icc, ifort, gcc, gfortran) directly.

titleSerial Code
module load intel
icc -o hello.bin hello.c

titleParallel Code with MPI
module load intel
module load impi
mpiicc -o hello.bin hello.c

titleParallel Code with OpenMP
module load intel
icc -qopenmp -o hello.bin hello.c

MPI, Communication Libraries, OpenMP

We provide several communication libraries:

  • Intel MPI
  • OpenMPI

As Intel MPI is the communication library recommended by the system vendor, currently only documentation for Intel MPI is provided, except for application specific documentation.

OpenMP support ist built in with the compilers from Intel and GNU.