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Software and Environment

The webpage Software gives you more information about available software on the HLRN systems.

HLRN provides a number of compilers and software packages for parallel computing and (serial) pre- and postprocessing:

  • Compilers: Intel, GNU
  • Libraries: NetCDF, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, BLAS, FFTW, ...
  • Debuggers: Allinea DDT, Roguewave TotalView...
  • Tools: octave, python, R ...
  • Visualisation: mostly tools to investigate gridded data sets from earth-system modelling
  • Application software: mostly for engineering and chemistry (molecular dynamics)

To manage the access to these software/libraries, HLRN uses the module command. This command offers the following functionality.

  1. Show lists of available software
  2. Access software in different versions

titleExample: Show the currently available software and access the Intel compiles
blogin1:~ $ module avail
blogin1:~ $ module load intel
Module for Intel Parallel Studio XE Composer Edition (version 2019 Update 5) loaded.
blogin1:~ $ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) sw.skl   2) slurm   3) HLRNenv   4) intel/19.0.5(default)

To avoid conflicts between different compilers and compiler versions, builds of most important libraries are provided for all compilers and major release numbers.