Versionen im Vergleich


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If you are accessing a large file (1GiB+) from multiple nodes in parallel please consider to activate striping of the file with the Lustre command lfs setstripe (specific to this file or for a whole directory) with a sensible stripe_count (recommendation: Emmy up to 1632, Lise up to 28) and a stripe_size, which is a multiple of the RAID6 fullstripe size and matches the IO sizes of your job.


If there are no addtional space allocations granted by the scientific board the following default quota apply:


Block [GiB]Inode [k]Block [TiB]Inode [k]Block [TiB]Inode [k]


Filesystem Quotas are currently not yet activated for the $HOME  and $WORK directories. They will be activated after the build-up of phase 2 is finished and both sites are fully operational.
