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Installing the hdf5-libraries at HLRN

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  • the szip library
  • for parallel builds intel-MPI or openMPI.
  • all other ingredients (zlib) are part of the system.

Options for running configure

version 1.10.

  • --with-pic
  • --enable-production
  • --enable-unsupported --enable-threadsafe
  • --enable-fortran --enable-fortran2003 --enable-cxx

version 1.12.

  • --with-pic
  • --enable-production --enable-optimization=high
  • --enable-direct-vfd --enable-preadwrite
  • --enable-unsupported --enable-threadsafe
  • --enable-fortran --enable-fortran2003 --enable-cxx

Example Script for Installing HDF-5