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  • go to HLRN service portal and choose "Antrag auf eine Benutzerkennung/Application for a user account".

Holding an a user account you can

  • perform test simulations to prepare a proposal for a compute project and
  • submit a proposal for a compute projects on the HLRN service portral.


Compute time of a user account

Holding a user account you are able to work on the HLRN system and to expend compute time. Each user account has its own contingent holding 10,000 NPL per quarter. NPL is the abbreviation for “Norddeutsche Parallelrechner-Leistungseinheit” and it is defined on the page Accounting of the user documentation. Additionally to this contingent of the account, access to all contingents of compute projects is possible in which the account is a member in. In reasonable and exceptional cases, the contingent of a user account can be extended. For that please contact your consultant.
