Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
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The default partitions are suitable for most calculations. The :test partitions are, as the name suggests, intended for shorter and smaller test runs. These have a higher priotity and a few dedicated nodes, but are limited in time and number of nodes. The :shared nodes are mainly for postprocessing. Nearly all nodes are exclusive to one job, except for the nodes in these :shared partitions.


# nodes-N #
# tasks-n #
# tasks per node--tasks-per-node #Hyperthreading active by default! See below

-p <name>


# CPUs per task

-c #Default 1, interesting for OpenMP/Hybrid jobs
Timelimit-t hh:mm:ss
Mail--mail-type=ALLSee sbatch manpage for different types

Job Scripts

A job script can be any script that contains special instruction for Slurm. Most commonly used forms are shell scripts, such as bash or plain sh. But other scripting languages (e.g. Python, Perl, R) are also possible.


Getting Information about Jobs

The commands normally used for job control and management are:

  • Job submission:
    $ sbatch 
  • Job status of a specific job:
    $ squeue -j jobID for queues/running jobs
    $ scontrol show job jobID for full job information (even after the job finished).
  • Job cancellation:
    $ scancel jobID
  • Job overview:
    $ squeue -l -u $USER
  • Job start (estimated):
    $ squeue --start -j jobID
  • Workload overview of the whole system: sinfo (esp. sinfo --format="%25C %A") , squeue -l

Using the Shared Nodes

Advanced Options
