Versionen im Vergleich


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Software and environment modules

  • Login and compute nodes of the A100 GPU partition are running under Rocky Linux (currently version 8.6).
  • Software for the A100 GPU partition provided by NHR@ZIB can be found using the module command, see Quickstart.
  • Please note the presence of the sw.a100 environment module. It controls the software selection for the GPU A100 partition.
titleExample: Show the currently available software and access compilers
bgnlogin1 $ module avail
bgnlogin1 $ module load gcc
bgnlogin1 $ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) HLRNenv   2) sw.a100   3) slurm   4) gcc/11.3.0(default)

Program build and execution

  • Each node of the GPU A100 system is a combination of a host CPU and their four attached device GPUs. There is a wide range of software to support this hardware.
  • We recommend to use the GPU A100 login nodes for program build. If a program build needs for the presence of CUDA drivers, compilation is possible on a compute node within a slurm job session, too.
  • We restrict our presentation to examples. For that, please visit our manual on


titleJob monitoring
bgnlogin1 $ squeue -u myaccount
7748370  gpu-a100 a100_mpi myaccount  R 1:23      2 bgn[1007,1017]
bgnlogin1 $ ssh bgn1007
bgn1007 $ top
bgn1007 $ nvidia-smi
bgn1007 $ module load nvtop
bgn1007 $ nvtop

Software and environment modules

  • Login and compute nodes of the A100 GPU partition are running under Rocky Linux (currently version 8.6).
  • Software for the A100 GPU partition provided by NHR@ZIB can be found using the module command, see Quickstart.
  • Please note the presence of the sw.a100 environment module. It controls the software selection for the GPU A100 partition.
titleExample: Show the currently available software and access compilers
bgnlogin1 $ module avail
bgnlogin1 $ module load gcc
bgnlogin1 $ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) HLRNenv   2) sw.a100   3) slurm   4) gcc/11.3.0(default)

Using the slurm batch system
