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  • Each node of the GPU A100 system is a combination of a host CPU and their four attached device GPUs. There is a wide range of software to support this hardware.
  • We recommend to use the GPU A100 login nodes for program build. If a program build needs for the presence of CUDA drivers, compilation is possible on a compute node within a slurm job session, too.
  • We restrict our presentation to examples. For that, please visit our manual on
  • GPU-aware MPI: For efficient use of MPI-distributed GPU codes, an GPU/CUDA-aware MPI installation of Open MPI is available in the openmpi/gcc.11/4.1.4 environment module. Open MPI respects the resource requests made to Slurm. Thus, no special arguments are required to mpiexec/run. Nevertheless, please consider and check the correct binding for your application to CPU cores and GPUs. Use --report-bindings of mpiexec/run to check it.

Job monitoring

A running job can be monitored interactively, directly on each of the compute nodes. Once you know the names of the job nodes you can login and monitor the host CPU as well as the GPUs.
