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Dependent & Restartable Jobs - How to pass the wall time limit

If your simulation is restartable, it might be handy to automatically trigger a follow-up job. Simply provide the ID of the previous job as an additional sbatch argument:


Please note: As soon as a follow-up jobscript (sbatch file) is submitted, you can not change its content any more. Lines starting with #SBATCH will be evaluated immediately. The remaining content of the jobscript is evaluated as soon as the dependency condition is fulfilled and compute nodes are available. Besides afterok there exist other dependency types (sbatch man page).

Job Arrays


Job arrays are the preferred way to submit many similar job. Jobs, for instance, if you need to run the same program on a number of input files, or with different settings or run them with a range of parameters. Arrays are created with the -a start-finish sbatch parameter. E.g. sbatch -a 0-19 will create 20 jobs indexed from 0 to 19. There are different ways to index the arrays, which are described below.
