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ParameterSBATCH flagComment
# nodes-N <#>
# tasks-n <#>
# tasks per node#SBATCH --tasks-per-node <#>Different defaults between mpirun and srun

-p <name>

standard96 (Lise), medium40 (Emmy)

# CPUs per task

-c <#>interesting for OpenMP/Hybrid jobs
Wall time limit-t hh:mm:ss
Mail--mail-type=ALLSee sbatch manpage for different types
Project/Account-A <project>Specify project for NPL accounting

Job Walltime

The maximum runtime is set per partition and can be viewed either on the system with sinfo  or here. There is no minimum walltime (we cannot stop your jobs from finishing, obviously), but a walltime of at least 1 hour is encouraged. A large amount of smaller, shorter jobs can cause problems with our accounting system. The occasional short job is fine, but if you submit larger amounts of jobs that finish (or crash) quickly, we might have to intervene and temporarily suspend your account. If you have lots of smaller workloads, please consider combining them into a single job that uses at least 1 hour.

Interactive Jobs

See according Section in the Quick Start Guide.


titleExample Job for the shared partition

This is an example for a job script using 10 cores. As this is not a MPI job, srun/mpirun is not needed. This jobs memory usage should not exceed


#SBATCH -p large96:shared
#SBATCH -t 1-0 #one day
#SBATCH -n 10


Job Walltime


Advanced Options

Slurm offers a lot of options for job allocation, process placement, job dependencies and arrays and much more. We cannot exhaustively cover all topics here. As mentioned at the top of the page, please consult the official slurm documentation and the man pages for an in depth description of all parameters.
