Versionen im Vergleich


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Cost: 150 core hours per GPU or 21.43 per MIG slice

Lise (Berlin)

Partition (number holds cores per node)

Node nameMax. walltimeNodesMax. nodes
per job

Max jobs (running/ queued)
per user

Usable memory MB per node



Charged core-hours per node

gpu-a100bgn#24:00:00363616 / 500

1 000 000

Ice Lake 8360Y600

4 A100 GPUs

gpu-a100:sharedbgn#24:00:005516 / 500

1 000 000

Ice Lake 8360Y150 per GPU

4 A100 GPUs

gpu-a100:shared:migbgn#24:00:001116 / 500

1 000 000

Ice Lake 8360Y21.43 per MIG slice

4 A100 GPUs with 7 1g10gb mig slices per GPU

12 hours are too short? See here how to pass the 12h walltime limit with job dependencies.

titleExample: Exclusive usage of two nodes with 4 GPUs each
$ srun --nodes=2 --gres=gpu:4 --partition=gpu-a100 example_cmd
